D.P.G 佳佳百貨
佳佳百貨設計是於2016年由成員陳鶴文與李佳玲創立之跨國設計、策展、品牌顧問團隊,2020年正式成立佳佳百貨有限公司,並成立自有生活用品品牌。團隊以產品外觀設計至內部結構研發能力為核心,目標在於協助在地製造業品牌轉型,透過設計讓台灣製造與傳統工藝發光發熱,屢獲國際設計大獎德國紅點獎Red Dot Desgin Award、東京設計展百大設計獎、台灣金點設計Best of Best最佳設計獎肯定。
2019年起始拓展品牌行銷、網路行銷規劃、展覽策劃執行的全面性設計執行力,策劃多家台灣品牌之國內外展覽策劃與執行經驗,如台灣文化博覽會,日本東京設計展 Design Tokyo,荷蘭設計師週Dutch Design Week。與國內外許多知名品牌執行設計與顧問合作如: 源源鋼藝、Besovia芝心環保矽膠品牌、微熱山丘…等,也先後協助服務品牌開發募資市場、海外市場,屢創佳績。
Studio Double Plus Studio Double Plus is a Taiwan based design practice founded in 2016. Incorporating both Jialing Lee and Hewen Chen’s professions. Surrounded by various mass manufacture industries in Taiwan, Studio Double Plus work with themes of local production, and helps their clients identify, understand and solve strategic problems through design. Their works range cover objects, homewares, electronics and power tools. As design takes visible and invisible forms, their practices covered from materials, traditional crafts, process of making and new technologies. From those practices to achieve the idea that innovation is not only base on the new technology but also on the cultural heritage and nature.

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